
Lock it Down

New Security Features The Holler Network now has SSL protection – SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. Peer to peer conversation is now encrypted for […]


Spruce Up Your Holler

New features/patches It is now possible to customize the sidebar section of individual working Hollers (groups) Custom buttons and links Custom videos or “sticky” posts that you need to stay relevant Events Photos/Videos/Document Downloads If you need a custom sidebar for your group, please submit a ticket on the Helpdesk containing the content you would like […]


Bug Battle 2.0

New features/patches New page builder in the LMS Allows the creation of page and post templates that can be easily deployed for instructors not familiar with code Core – Network updates to NGINX and PHP structure New file-sharing library in the LMS for student/instructor discussion and classroom sharing Bugs that have been conquered PHP 7 […]


Fighting Bugs and Bots

Bugs that have been conquered LMS Instructor ADMIN link inside courses would redirect to the About page link structure fixed – PHP bug blocked the appropriate redirect – fixed individual courses – instructor approved only instead of any member registration Permalink structure rebuilt Accounts created on Holler subsites other than the LMS were not transferring to the […]


Class is Back in Session

Learning Management System The Holler LMS has gone through a number of upgrades. Ajax login screen for easier access and faster load times Dynamic quizzes available in BETA (95% up and running with a few more tests to run) Automated email system with reminders and formatting from the Holler server Instruction manual available for Holler […]


A Better Map

New menus, new documents, new folders: Wow!


Search Engines Like Us Better

SEO optimization, Social Media cards and general site upkeep.


One Footer to Rule them All

Change log – April 21, 2017 New Items Universal Footer for all Holler network sites The same site footer system is now implemented across the network. From any page on the site, you can quickly jump from between sites, activity streams and visit the most trafficked and newest sections of The Holler Quick links to […]


Out With the Old – In With the New

New submission forms, deprecated servers, login errors and badge errors fixed, better news updates built in across the entire platform


60% Faster – You better believe it

March 28, 2017 Server Upgrades Transition to new server-stack complete 60% speed increase for overall site Content distributed to CDN service for faster load times across the US New caching system for logged in versus non-logged in users Original backup server deleted and removed from stack Known Bugs Java error on home page and any […]
