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New features/patches
- It is now possible to customize the sidebar section of individual working Hollers (groups)
- Custom buttons and links
- Custom videos or “sticky” posts that you need to stay relevant
- Events
- Photos/Videos/Document Downloads
- If you need a custom sidebar for your group, please submit a ticket on the Helpdesk containing the content you would like to add
- General stability updates
- active server
- test server
- email server
- LMS platform
- Assignment submission and grading
- Course registration
- SPAM detection and filtering
- Custom Front-End form and data collection
- Feeds into searchable database
- Expanded archive and tagging
- Expanded video pool
- Analytic Structure
- Individual analytic structure for each Holler sub-site
- Better tracking over entire Holler Network
Known Issues
- File Name not populating on uploaded documents in the activity stream
- Transcoded video not playing properly for some formats
- Batch filtering and creation for LMS
- One course with shared curriculum
- Multiple batches (instructors) where students enroll in the desired path
- ACT beta site testing
- Community survey function
- Cross pollination between Holler Social Network and ACT site